Sunday, 23 November 2014

Why Guys Are Confusing To Us

Hey Guys and Girls,
If you are a fan of the YouTubers Danny Edge and Paul Zimmer commonly known as Exclamation Point then you may have seen there video: What I Don't Get About Girls // Paul Zimmer; if not I totally recommend you to :). (Link To Video - )
There video inspired me to do this post: Why Guys Are Confusing To Girls. Here we go haha...

1.) They don't share their feelings with us - some guys 

2.) They go after the girls that are already taken - again not all guys 

3.) You try to get in a relationship with them, they just run the other direction - not all guys 

4.) All they care about is food, beverages, sports, their hair, muscles, boobs, sex, the car they drive, basically anything but a serious commitment - until they realise that one girl who they denied to love 

5.) Do the weirdest/creepiest things to get our attention instead of just coming up to us and say hi - sometimes cute but other times freaky 

6.) They don't reveal any personal info - why do you expect us girls to "let you in" when you won't even tell us your middle name?

7.) Change the subject when we want to talk about relationships - you want a relationship with us but you don't wanna talk about it 

8.) Send us f***ing mixed signals - you like us, then you wanna be our friend, then you wanna be more, then you treate us like s**t, what's up with that... Seriously man come on!

9.) He looks like he likes you but the next day he gets a girlfriend but still ....idk.. but why??? idk

10.) They are into you one minute and then forget you the next - you like us one minute then you see someone better looking?

11.) When you get us pissed off, us girls will give you the silent treatment. You might not even notice this because your to busy sitting on your coach not even thinking about what you did

12.) They want to keep us guessing?!?!?! WTF!!!! - you keep us guessing for so long you'll be the one trying to figure out where we went 

13.) They tease us to make themselves cool.Really??! - sometimes teasing us is cute but other times we want to punch you in the balls. Just saying haha.

14.) Getting in between two girls who are best friends. Not a smart move - yeah, you know that hair on your head you love, you just might have to buy a wig because they might rip it out... 

15.) They are interested but don't take the chance to get us. You just let us slip out of your hands. WHY?!?! - if your interested talk to us, half the time we will be interested too. Letting us slip through your fingers is the better way to go if all you want is to slip into our pants, if not I suggest you go for it :) 

If you could answer why guys do these things then go ahead and leave a comment, don't be shy.
Hope you guys liked this post :). Have An Amazing day :D 
                                                             - Just Being U

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